Proper nutrition is the basis not only for weight loss, but also for the normal functioning of the body. People have different attitudes towards this type of nutrition, but one thing cannot be denied: it is very effective. Many nutritionists note that proper balanced nutrition helps to get rid of excess weight without stressing the body.
Correct nutritional menu for weight loss for every day
To switch to proper nutrition, you first need to decide how to create a new diet, how to correctly calculate the required amount of food supplements, and will such nutrition help you lose weight?
An adequate nutritional menu is one of the main helpers in the fight against extra kilos. When switching to it, the first step is to remove all fast carbohydrates from the diet, for example sweets or sandwiches. Such carbohydrates do not saturate the body with useful substances, but are stored in the form of fat deposits. Another important principle of PP is fractional feeding into small portions at regular intervals. With split meals, a person can maintain a feeling of fullness and not overeat.
Food is the basis of life for all living organisms; with food we receive not only energy, but also vitamins and microelements. Fats and carbohydrates are the materials the body needs to restore performance. Protein is an important component for building muscles.
A person can gain extra pounds if he consumes more carbohydrates with food than the body uses for vital activity and physical activity. With proper nutrition, a balance between energy value and energy expenditure during the day will be maintained.
How to lose weight without harm to health is another question that worries many people. Losing weight with strict diets that border on starvation is always a great stress on the body. You can bring your weight back to normal and not only not harm your health, but also improve its condition with the help of a proper nutritional system. Unlike diets, PN does not lead to a nutrient deficiency and does not greatly limit a person's food choices. However, you should not assume that proper nutrition is just one step in losing weight. In fact, it should become your way of life. Only in this case can you lose weight and consistently maintain the desired weight.
Basics of proper nutrition for weight loss
Food is a source of energy, vitamins and essential elements for the body. Many people experience eating disorders, such as uncontrolled consumption of sweets, overeating under stress, the habit of eating fatty foods before going to bed, etc. In such cases, it is necessary to reconsider the approach to choosing food. Eating well can help restore a healthy relationship with food. After all, it should nourish us, give us energy, and not become the only source of pleasure in life.
Benefits of proper nutrition that will help you lose weight:
- The weight loss process begins with a calorie deficit. When a person eats less than he expends in a day, the body draws energy from previously stored fat. It is in this case that the weight loss process is activated. The pounds come off with a calorie deficit.
- Fatty, floury and sweet foods are high in calories, so it's best to avoid them all.
- Add more fruits, vegetables and herbs to your diet.
- You don't have to give up fat completely. It is necessary for the healthy functioning of the body. Healthy fats include fish, vegetable oils, nuts and avocados.
- Fermented milk products should have a minimum fat content.
- Up to 5 meals can be consumed during the day: 3 main meals, 2 snacks.
- It is not necessary to eat only buckwheat and carrots, sometimes you can indulge in small weaknesses in the form of sweets. The main thing is not to go beyond the allowable amount of calories.
- The foods on your plate can be anything, you don't need to adhere to any particular type of diet. However, if you prefer separate meals or a vegetarian menu, the most important thing is to monitor the total number of calories.
- It is better to consume sweet fruits, chocolate bars and all sweets in the first half of the day. The last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime.
- Eliminate salt, sugar, spices, mayonnaise and sauces from your diet.
- It is also necessary to monitor water consumption - during the day you need to drink up to 2 liters of liquids - pure non-carbonated water, decoctions, as well as tea or coffee without sugar.
Where to start?
The hardest thing in any business is getting started. This always raises many questions and fears. Changes in normal life scare most people. You should gradually transition to proper nutrition, performing the following steps sequentially (their order can be changed):
- Eliminate foods that have low nutritional value from your diet. They do not bring any benefit, but on the contrary they can be harmful to your health. These include: sweets, flour, fatty foods, semi-finished products, fast food, carbonated drinks, any sauces and salt.
- Avoid alcohol. Scientists have long proven that alcoholic beverages have a negative effect on the neurons responsible for the feeling of hunger. A small amount of alcohol can cause a relapse into something forbidden.
- Establish a clear meal plan. It is better to eat according to a specific schedule, without deviations. Workers should think about their diet in advance so as not to dine on high-calorie foods in canteens or bars. For convenience, you can purchase special containers, convenient to take with you to school, work or walking.
- Think about effective motivation, preferably together with a psychologist. Human psychology is designed in such a way that without motivation we quickly lose the desire to work on ourselves. You need to find the right motivation to facilitate the weight loss process.
Keep in mind that after achieving the desired result, you cannot return to your usual diet. Make proper nutrition your lifestyle, then the results will last a long time.
The right transition towards correct nutrition
Giving up your usual food and replacing it with a balanced diet of healthy, low-calorie dishes can be a difficult challenge. But only if the transition is too abrupt and the new menu is unchanged and boring. To comfortably switch to PP, you should first plan your menu taking into account your tastes and preferences, as well as the body's needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins.
- For breakfast you need to eat complex carbohydrates and proteins. This could be oatmeal with berries, nuts and a spoonful of honey, an omelet, sugar-free granola or a fruit smoothie.
- The first snack can be 2-3 hours after breakfast. Snack options: a handful of nuts, fruit, rye bread with low-fat cheese.
- Lunch should consist of carbohydrates, proteins and fibre. For example, vegetable salad with buckwheat and boiled chicken. It is worth remembering that it is better to eat chicken without skin.
- The second snack should contain protein and some slow carbohydrates. It is imperative to monitor the volume of portions, the snack should not be larger than the main meal.
- For dinner it is better to eat protein with fiber. A good combination would be chicken or other lean meat, beans, hard-boiled eggs, vegetable salad or cottage cheese. It is also worth remembering that it is recommended to eat no more than two yolks per day, but you can eat more egg whites.
To facilitate the transition you can follow these simple rules:
- Before you go to the store, make a shopping list. This will save you not only from unnecessary expenses, but also from purchasing prohibited products.
- Add more vegetables. Your diet should include a real variety of green plants: parsley, arugula, onions, celery, etc.
- Don't go to a bar or restaurant hungry. It is in these places that with the feeling of hunger there is a great risk of falling into something forbidden.
- Replace canned food with frozen foods. Pickled cucumbers, tomatoes or canned pineapples are undoubtedly very tasty, but they contain a lot of salt. It is best to use frozen products, which will retain the nutrients.
- You should not buy semi-finished products. Ready-made food is not the best way to get rid of extra pounds. Get rid of store-bought dumplings and cutlets.
- Avoid white bread. Wholemeal flour products are a good alternative.
- It's quite difficult to give up junk food right away; Allow yourself a little weakness, for example by eating a small packet of crisps once a month.
- Always leave healthy foods in sight. Vegetables, fruit, nuts or herbs should always be in the center of the table.
- Don't forget to drink water. To avoid dehydration you need to drink up to 2 liters of water a day.
- If you have a sweet tooth, nuts and fruits can be a good substitute for sweets. You can also consume honey in small quantities.
What should the diet be like?
The basis of any diet is a properly composed diet. It must support the normal functioning of the body, as well as provide vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates.
Proteins are the basis of a correct diet. Its deficiency can cause a slowdown in metabolism and the development of certain diseases. You can approximately calculate the protein norm using the formula: 1. 5-2 g per 1 kg of weight.
The diet should consist mainly of healthy fats, which are found in fish, nuts and meat. Normally consume 0. 5 g per 1 kg of weight.
The amount of carbohydrates should be kept to a minimum. They help you gain weight, but don't forget about healthy carbs. These include vegetables, fruits and grains. Formula for calculating carbohydrates: 3 g per kg of weight.
You can learn how to calculate calories using the formula:
- for men: (10*weight in kg)+(6, 25*height in cm)-(5*age)+5. The average amount of calories consumed by men is 2300-2600 kcal per day. These data depend on physical activity;
- for women: (10*weight in kg)+(6, 25*height in cm)-(5*age)-161. The calorie norm for women is 1500-1900 kcal.
There is also a complicated formula in which another action is added - multiplication by the value of A. A is the coefficient of physical activity. After calculations, the data could be as follows:
- minimum physical activity = 1, 2;
- weak = 1. 37;
- mean = 1. 5;
- high = 1. 7;
- last. This includes athletic loads, strength sports, daily training = 1. 9.
There are also online calculators on the Internet that can quickly calculate the number of calories based on individual characteristics.
Shopping list
Allowed products include:
- seaweed;
- vegetables;
- low-fat meat;
- egg white;
- cereals, for example brown rice, buckwheat, bulgur, quinoa, oatmeal;
- durum wheat pasta;
- Rye bread;
- healthy fats: fish, nuts, olive oil, egg yolk;
- condiments;
- low-fat dairy products.
Completely prohibited: alcohol, salt, sugar, processed foods, mayonnaise, sauces, baked goods, sausages, sausages, carbonated drinks, chips, fast food.
Advice for women after 30
Many women know that after 30 years, hormone levels can change. It also depends on diet, sleep, sport and stress. After the age of 30, it is difficult for the body to tolerate strict diets and overeating. Any fluctuations in weight are dangerous not only for health, but also for female beauty. After thirty years, it is important to maintain the balance of BZHU. Their ratio should be as follows: 30/30/40. Increases the need for fats, as they are important for the production of sex hormones.
60-90% of the diet should consist of natural and protein foods. Additionally, you also need to add vegetables, fruits, and herbs. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of sweets, fatty foods and starchy foods.
Menu and diet of the week

The options for dishes that are easy to prepare at home are very diverse. An approximate balanced menu for a week might look like this:
Day of the week | Breakfast | Snack | Dinner | Afternoon snack | Dinner |
Monday | Oatmeal, nuts, berries or honey | Fruit salad, low-fat yogurt, green tea | Chicken soup, vegetable salad | Cauliflower Casserole | Baked chicken, boiled potatoes, green salad |
Tuesday | Sandwich with wholemeal bread, ricotta, 100 grams of grapes, tea or coffee without sugar | 50-100 g of ricotta, honey | Meat broth, coleslaw with apples, cucumbers and lemon juice | Apple, kiwi, herbal tea | Lean beef, fresh cucumbers |
Wednesday | Millet porridge | Casserole with cottage cheese, kiwi or apple | Boiled brown rice, stewed beef, vegetable salad | Egg omelette, broccoli | 250 g of shrimp, vegetable salad |
Thursday | Boiled buckwheat with milk, honey, black coffee without sugar | 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, honey, nuts | Baked pollack, sauerkraut, durum wheat pasta | Toast with apple, avocado | Baked chicken breast with cheese, cucumber, tomato |
Friday | Oatmeal with milk, you can add raspberries, strawberries or other berries | Low-fat yogurt without sugar, honey, black coffee | Baked lean fish, rice | Salad of cucumbers, tomato, low-fat sour cream | Fish cutlets without oil |
Saturday | 2 egg omelette, black coffee | Grapefruit, green tea | Baked chicken breast with mushrooms and potatoes | Green apple, low-fat kefir | Two baked apples with honey, walnuts, 150 grams of low-fat ricotta |
Sunday | Millet porridge | Kiwi, banana, apple | Casserole with cheese and boiled chicken | 200 g of boiled prawns, carrot juice | Rice, fish cutlet, vegetables, greens |
This menu for every day is suitable not only for women, but also for men. Low-calorie foods allow you to lose weight and maintain a certain weight over time.
Monthly program
For certain reasons, some people adhere to a certain type of diet. For example, vegetarianism involves complete or partial abstinence from animal products. Many people mistakenly think that plant foods are poor and that vegetarians must constantly feel hungry. However, this food can also be tasty and healthy.
Here is an example of a vegetarian menu for each day:
Day of the week | Breakfast | Dinner | Dinner |
Monday | Oatmeal in water with flaxseed, orange or grapefruit | Vegetable soup with beans, rye bread, cauliflower salad, pineapple juice | Baked potatoes, fruit salad with pumpkin, a glass of low-fat yogurt or kefir |
Tuesday | Potato casserole | Lentils with croutons | Potato soup |
Wednesday | Muesli with bananas | Chickpea soup | potato gnocchi |
Thursday | Fruit salad with sesame seeds | Boiled potatoes with vegetables, wholemeal bread | Baked vegetables |
Friday | Banana, strawberry and nut smoothie | Sprouted buckwheat with pumpkin, tomato salad, greens | Vegetable stew |
Saturday | Millet and pumpkin porridge | Steamed vegetables, tofu cheese | Vegetable salad with sesame oil |
Sunday | Muesli with fruit | Mushroom soup, bran bread | Cucumber and tomato salad, gray bread sandwich with pumpkin caviar. |
Vegetarian food can be varied and tasty. The main thing is to monitor your calorie intake and not forget about physical activity. In addition, if you decide to suddenly change the type of diet, you should not immediately give up all animal products. Initially, meat can be replaced with fish, and dairy products can also be left out.
You can also do fasting days to lose weight. There are numerous recipes for fasting days, for example bananas, chocolate, chicken breast or fruit cocktails.
Another popular way to lose weight is the Mediterranean diet. It is also considered a balanced and healthy diet. The menu of the week could be this:
Day of the week | Breakfast | Dinner | Dinner |
1 | Oatmeal with milk, honey, fruit | Fish soup, vegetable salad, topped with low-fat sour cream | Broccoli casserole, low-fat yogurt |
2 | Millet porridge with milk, pumpkin, raisins | Vegetable soup with aubergines, garlic, herbs | Baked fish, tomatoes, cheese, vegetables |
3 | Boiled eggs, wholemeal bread | Meatball soup, carrot, apple, cucumber salad | Cottage cheese casserole, a glass of low-fat kefir |
4 | Oatmeal with milk, berries, nuts | Buckwheat soup with chicken | Calamari salad, eggs with sour cream sauce |
5 | Omelette with tomato, pepper | Baked fish with vegetables, rice | Cottage cheese with honey, a glass of low-fat kefir |
6 | Steamed cheesecake, apple, grapefruit | Durum wheat pasta, tomato sauce, lean beef | 200 g of baked red fish with vegetables |
7 | Boiled eggs, wholemeal bread, ricotta | Chicken soup, vegetable salad | Fruit salad, low-fat ricotta, yogurt |
The best recipes
Good nutrition allows you to prepare various dietary dishes. Thematic forums are full of various recipes suitable for men's or women's diets.
Breakfast recipes
- Breakfast with fruit. To prepare it, you need to mix a portion of low-fat natural yogurt, your favorite fruit and nuts. This simple breakfast will keep you feeling full for a long time.
- Omelette with mushrooms. This is a delicious and healthy Italian omelette. To prepare it you need to take 4 eggs, 300 g of chanterelles, an onion, a spoonful of parmesan, salt, pepper and aromatic herbs. Fry the mushrooms with onions, adding a little salt and pepper. Then beat the eggs and pour the resulting mixture over the mushrooms. Place the pan in the oven for 10 minutes, then sprinkle the finished dish with parmesan.
- Porridge in a slow cooker. In the evening, add all the necessary ingredients to the slow cooker: cereals, milk, water in a ratio of 1/3, sugar, salt. And then set a delayed start. In the morning, at the right time, a delicious and healthy porridge will be waiting for you. After cooking, you can add honey, nuts or berries.
Healthy lunch
Salad with shrimp and avocado. For the salad you will need: 200-250 g of boiled prawns, 1 avocado, 1 small onion, 60 g of kale leaves.
In a separate bowl, mix all the ingredients, adding the boiled and peeled shrimp. You can use the sauce as a condiment. To prepare it you need to mix the following ingredients:
- 1 tablespoon olive oil, red wine vinegar;
- ½ teaspoon minced garlic;
- chopped parsley;
- 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard;
- Salt and pepper to taste.
Fish with vegetables. For cooking you will need: half a pepper, tomato, white fish, carrots, onions, beans.
Thaw the beans under hot water and then heat them in the oven at 180 degrees. Take two 60 x 50 cm baking trays, peel the carrots, cut the pepper into strips, finely chop the onion. Place the beans seasoned with salt and seasonings in the center of the pastry. Place the fish here and add the vegetables. Wrap the paper tightly and place the dish in the oven for 10-15 minutes.
What can you eat for dinner?
Yogurt and tuna sandwich. To prepare you need to take:
- 4 tablespoons of Greek yogurt;
- 150 g of rye bread;
- 2 tomatoes;
- 2 eggs;
- 100 g of salad;
- 300 g of tuna.
Fry the bread without oil until golden brown. Cut the hard-boiled eggs into slices. Drain the tuna and mash it with a fork. Spread the bread with yogurt and garnish with lettuce, tomatoes, tuna and egg. Cover the sandwich with a second piece of bread.
Chicken breast with cheese. You will need: 400 g of chicken fillet, 100 g of cheese, 250 ml of water, 3 tablespoons of breadcrumbs, 2 eggs, 100 g of flour.
Cut the fillet, beat it, adding salt and spices. Cut the cheese into slices, place it on the chicken and then roll it up. Prepare a thin dough with flour and eggs. Dip the sandwiches in the mixture and then sprinkle them with breadcrumbs. Fry the meat until golden brown. Then add water to the pan and continue to simmer the chicken for 15 minutes with the lid closed.
Adequate snacks
Snacking is an important part of eating well. You should not rush to eat pizza, hamburgers or other fast food, as this is harmful to the stomach. Instead, spend some time preparing healthy snacks.
- Avocado toast. Lightly dry the bread in a pan, then spread the avocado puree over the bread. You can add a little salt for taste.
- Green smoothie. Blend the green apple, kiwi and celery in a blender with 2 liters of water.
Dried fruits, nuts and fruit can also be a good snack.
What could the results be?
Switching to proper nutrition does not guarantee rapid weight loss. It takes time to restore your metabolism. In the first week of weight loss, you lose excess water. A person gets rid of swelling, metabolism is normalized. Additionally, physical activity affects the effectiveness of weight loss. Sudden weight loss can cause a lot of harm to your health, so proper nutrition contributes to slow but effective weight loss.
With sufficient physical activity and a balanced diet, you can lose up to 3-4 kilograms per month. But if the result is much less, you should not be upset, because those who lose weight slowly, it is easier to maintain weight.